Monday, March 21, 2005

Get five free SQL Server scripts for novice DBAs

Get five free SQL Server scripts for novice DBAs

Exporting T-SQL scripts from command line

Exporting T-SQL scripts from command line

Exporting T-SQL scripts from command line

Exporting T-SQL scripts from command line

Database tools and utilities, Oracle and MS SQL tools

Database tools and utilities, Oracle and MS SQL tools

Google Groups : Oracle SQL to MS-SQLServer SQL

Google Groups : "Converting Oracle SQL to MS-SQLServer SQL"

Watch out for these traps when migrating from Oracle to SQL Server: Builder AU: Architect: Database

Watch out for these traps when migrating from Oracle to SQL Server: Builder AU: Architect: Database

Data Structures and Algorithms: Table of Contents

Data Structures and Algorithms: Table of Contents

Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures

Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures

C++ - Lesson 3

C++ - Lesson 3

The Art of Assembly Language Programming

The Art of Assembly Language Programming

Forms and Definitions of Boolean Expressions

Forms and Definitions of Boolean Expressions

Data Mining Notes Data Mining Techniques, QUB

Data Mining Notes Data Mining Techniques, QUB

An Overview of Data Mining Techniques

An Overview of Data Mining Techniques

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Tom's Hardware Guide Mobile Devices: Fast And Furious: Notebooks vs. Battery Life Drain - Fast Hard Drives: The Key To High System Performance

Tom's Hardware Guide Mobile Devices: Fast And Furious: Notebooks vs. Battery Life Drain - Fast Hard Drives: The Key To High System Performance

Welcome to Shareware Junction : Free , Beta , and Shareware Downloads!

Welcome to Shareware Junction : Free , Beta , and Shareware Downloads!

I�C, SMBus and hardware monitoring references

I�C, SMBus and hardware monitoring references

I�C, SMBus and hardware monitoring references

I�C, SMBus and hardware monitoring references

Linux System Hardware Monitoring

Linux System Hardware Monitoring

TuxMobil: Linux Tools for Laptop, Notebook and PDA Batteries

TuxMobil: Linux Tools for Laptop, Notebook and PDA Batteries

Welcome to Battery University

Welcome to Battery University

Vincent Fatica's Home Page

Vincent Fatica's Home Page

Welcome to

Welcome to

Acpitool, small but powerfull Linux ACPI client

Acpitool, small but powerfull Linux ACPI client

17 lines of C# to 1 line of VB.Net

17 lines of C# to 1 line of VB.Net

System.Type.Missing, Word, and C#

System.Type.Missing, Word, and C#

Monday, March 14, 2005

Free Sybase Tools And Utilities

Free Sybase Tools And Utilities

Robert Cowham, Perforce Consulting Partner

Robert Cowham, Perforce Consulting Partner

Free Sybase Tools And Utilities

Free Sybase Tools And Utilities

Free Sybase Tools And Utilities

Free Sybase Tools And Utilities

Free Sybase Tools And Utilities

Free Sybase Tools And Utilities

Free Sybase Tools And Utilities

Free Sybase Tools And Utilities

Bookmarks for Web Applications and related

Bookmarks for Web Applications and related

SourceSafe to PVCS Migration

SourceSafe to PVCS Migration

The Code Project - Sourcecode Control Switcher - Free Tools

The Code Project - Sourcecode Control Switcher - Free Tools

.NET 247 : Can I use multiple SCC providers with VS.NET? on microsoft.public.vsnet.vss

.NET 247 : Can I use multiple SCC providers with VS.NET? on microsoft.public.vsnet.vss

How To: Switch Source Control Providers in VS.NET (Redux)

How To: Switch Source Control Providers in VS.NET (Redux)

.NET 247 : Listing all file changes between X and Y dates, or X and Y labels on microsoft.public.vsnet.vss

.NET 247 : Listing all file changes between X and Y dates, or X and Y labels on microsoft.public.vsnet.vss

Duplicate And Unique Items In Lists

Duplicate And Unique Items In Lists

XL2GIF and Manipulations

XL2GIF and Manipulations

Microsoft Office : Helpful Excel Web Site Links

Microsoft Office : Helpful Excel Web Site Links

Excel VBA finance and math code, downloads and examples

Excel VBA finance and math code, downloads and examples

Export, import tools and components from Scalabium software

Export, import tools and components from Scalabium software

Davanum Srinivas' weblog

Davanum Srinivas' weblog

Combining the Advantages of Qt Signal/Slots and C# Delegates/Events |

Combining the Advantages of Qt Signal/Slots and C# Delegates/Events |

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Instrumenting and Monitoring ASP.NET Applications by creating Custom Performance Counters

Instrumenting and Monitoring ASP.NET Applications by creating Custom Performance Counters

Instrumenting and Monitoring ASP.NET Applications by creating Custom Performance Counters

Instrumenting and Monitoring ASP.NET Applications by creating Custom Performance Counters

Instrumenting and Monitoring ASP.NET Applications by creating Custom Performance Counters

Instrumenting and Monitoring ASP.NET Applications by creating Custom Performance Counters

Instrumenting and Monitoring ASP.NET Applications by creating Custom Performance Counters

Instrumenting and Monitoring ASP.NET Applications by creating Custom Performance Counters

Instrumenting and Monitoring ASP.NET Applications by creating Custom Performance Counters

Instrumenting and Monitoring ASP.NET Applications by creating Custom Performance Counters

ASP.NET Pipeline: Use Threads and Build Asynchronous Handlers in Your Server-Side Web Code -- MSDN Magazine, June 2003

ASP.NET Pipeline: Use Threads and Build Asynchronous Handlers in Your Server-Side Web Code -- MSDN Magazine, June 2003

Performance Considerations for Making Web Service Calls from ASPX Pages

Performance Considerations for Making Web Service Calls from ASPX Pages

I/O Asynchronous Completion

I/O Asynchronous Completion

Obtaining an ASP.NET Hotfix

Obtaining an ASP.NET Hotfix

NEEDSCRIPTS :: Masked Edit Control written in C# that uses Regular Expressions Resource at Need Scripts

NEEDSCRIPTS :: Masked Edit Control written in C# that uses Regular Expressions Resource at Need Scripts

Masked TextBox Control in C#

Masked TextBox Control in C#

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Data Access and Storage Developer Center: Auto-Generating Wrapper Classes for Stored Procedures, Part 2: The Internals of the AutoSproc Tool

Data Access and Storage Developer Center: Auto-Generating Wrapper Classes for Stored Procedures, Part 2: The Internals of the AutoSproc Tool

Data Access and Storage Developer Center: Auto-Generating Wrapper Classes for Stored Procedures, Part 1: Using the AutoSproc Tool

Data Access and Storage Developer Center: Auto-Generating Wrapper Classes for Stored Procedures, Part 1: Using the AutoSproc Tool

Data Access and Storage Developer Center: Auto-Generating Wrapper Classes for Stored Procedures, Part 1: Using the AutoSproc Tool

Data Access and Storage Developer Center: Auto-Generating Wrapper Classes for Stored Procedures, Part 1: Using the AutoSproc Tool

N-Tier development

N-Tier development

Data Access and Storage Developer Center: Auto-Generating Wrapper Classes for Stored Procedures, Part 2: The Internals of the AutoSproc Tool

Data Access and Storage Developer Center: Auto-Generating Wrapper Classes for Stored Procedures, Part 2: The Internals of the AutoSproc Tool - The Project Line Counter Add-In Page - The Project Line Counter Add-In Page -- Resources For Visual C++ and VS.NET Developers. Home of the WndTabs Visual C++ Add-In. -- Resources For Visual C++ and VS.NET Developers. Home of the WndTabs Visual C++ Add-In. - The Add-In Communication Library Page - The Add-In Communication Library Page - Project Line Counter Stylesheet Gallery - Project Line Counter Stylesheet Gallery





Vil - OO metrics, C# metrics, .Net Software Metrics ( MSIL, CIL, IL)

Vil - OO metrics, C# metrics, .Net Software Metrics ( MSIL, CIL, IL)

SourceMonitor Version 2.0

SourceMonitor Version 2.0

Code metric tools

Code metric tools

The Code Project - .NET Diagnostics � IV, Use the Environment class to get your environment - .NET

The Code Project - .NET Diagnostics � IV, Use the Environment class to get your environment - .NET

ASP Component to check user access permission on a file or folder

ASP Component to check user access permission on a file or folder

Depends.Net - Depends utility for .Net assemblies

Depends.Net - Depends utility for .Net assemblies

How to hide pager of a DataGrid Web Control

How to hide pager of a DataGrid Web Control

Softomatix - Web Log Analysis Tool Tutorial

Softomatix - Web Log Analysis Tool Tutorial

How to write link list in C#

How to write link list in C#

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Convert DataView To DataTable

Convert DataView To DataTable

Printing Reports in .NET - Overview

Printing Reports in .NET - Overview

The Code Project - Printing Reports in .NET - C# Programming

The Code Project - Printing Reports in .NET - C# Programming

The Great Win32 Computer Language Shootout

The Great Win32 Computer Language Shootout

Adventures in C#: Digression -- WordCount

Adventures in C#: Digression -- WordCount



Custom Word Wrapper (C#) - Developer Fusion, the UK developer community - VB, ASP, C#, .NET, PHP and XML tutorials & source code

Custom Word Wrapper (C#) - Developer Fusion, the UK developer community - VB, ASP, C#, .NET, PHP and XML tutorials & source code

Managing Software Projects: The Infosys Model

Managing Software Projects: The Infosys Model

Framework Process Patterns: A Case Study

Framework Process Patterns: A Case Study

Pat O'Toole's Dos and Don'ts of Process Improvement: DO Generate Size Estimates, Naturally

Pat O'Toole's Dos and Don'ts of Process Improvement: DO Generate Size Estimates, Naturally

Is Software Engineering a Good Choice for Your Product?

Is Software Engineering a Good Choice for Your Product?

Becoming a Software Developer, Part 1: Ruby for the Nuby

Becoming a Software Developer, Part 1: Ruby for the Nuby

Lawrence Oluyede's blog

Lawrence Oluyede's blog

Why Your Code Sucks

Why Your Code Sucks

XSD -> Classes Generator Custom Tool (radically new and extensible)

XSD -> Classes Generator Custom Tool (radically new and extensible)

(luKa) Developer Zone - NullableTypes

(luKa) Developer Zone - NullableTypes

Nullable types

Nullable types

Know Dot Net - Handling Null values

Know Dot Net - Handling Null values

C# Programming Fundamentals: The C# Type System - Tutorial - Development Library - National Instruments

C# Programming Fundamentals: The C# Type System - Tutorial - Development Library - National Instruments

C# Programming Fundamentals: The C# Type System - Tutorial - Development Library - National Instruments

C# Programming Fundamentals: The C# Type System - Tutorial - Development Library - National Instruments

Welcome to the Boston C# Users Group

Welcome to the Boston C# Users Group

Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability

Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability

Unit Testing Stored Procedures in Oracle/SQL Server

Unit Testing Stored Procedures in Oracle/SQL Server

The Code Project - C# Code Generator for Stored Procedures - C# Database

The Code Project - C# Code Generator for Stored Procedures - C# Database

Test Run: Automate Testing of Your Stored Procs -- MSDN Magazine, September 2004

Test Run: Automate Testing of Your Stored Procs -- MSDN Magazine, September 2004

The Code Project - Stored Procedure Invocation Code Generator for VB, C# and JScript.NET - .NET

The Code Project - Stored Procedure Invocation Code Generator for VB, C# and JScript.NET - .NET

Know Dot Net - ADO.NET Gotchas

Know Dot Net - ADO.NET Gotchas

Hello, C#

Hello, C#

Hello, C#

Hello, C#

Akadias Publications

Akadias Publications

DataTable Relational Operators in C# - INTERSECT Method, DISTINCT helper method & an apology

DataTable Relational Operators in C# - INTERSECT Method, DISTINCT helper method & an apology

DataTable Relational Operators in C# - INTERSECT Method, DISTINCT helper method & an apology

DataTable Relational Operators in C# - INTERSECT Method, DISTINCT helper method & an apology



Our view of applications and databases needs to change: Think more services!

Our view of applications and databases needs to change: Think more services!

VS.NET 2003 Web Project Installation : Source & Enterprise Developer Version

VS.NET 2003 Web Project Installation : Source & Enterprise Developer Version

dotNetBB Forums : Built for ASP.NET : Join the Revolution

dotNetBB Forums : Built for ASP.NET : Join the Revolution

IIS Launch Condition with Setup Project

IIS Launch Condition with Setup Project

Superior Software Developers

Superior Software Developers

Software Development Estimating Tips

Software Development Estimating Tips

Smooth unit testing with NUnit and VB.NET

Smooth unit testing with NUnit and VB.NET

Deployment Concepts

Deployment Concepts

Deploying XML Web Services in Managed Code

Deploying XML Web Services in Managed Code

Deploying XML Web Services

Deploying XML Web Services